Looking for ways to send bulk WhatsApp messages from Excel? We’re here to help!  

If you’ve been relying on Excel spreadsheets to keep track of your customer information, integrating this data with your messaging platforms like WhatsApp can help improve both your sales workflow and interactions with customers.

Help your team send bulk messages on WhatsApp

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But unfortunately, WhatsApp doesn’t offer features that allow you to export your contacts from Excel directly. If you want to WhatsApp bulk messages to your client list from Excel, you’ll need to build your own system or rely on external tools

So what’s the best way to send bulk WhatsApp bulk messages from Excel? In this article, we’ll discuss a few ways to send bulk messages on WhatsApp from Excel.    

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Before we begin, remember to avoid sending spam or unsolicited messages on WhatsApp, and especially avoid using unauthorised bulk-senders to do so. These activities go against WhatsApp’s Terms of Service and could result in a permanent ban.

We’ll explain more about these restrictions as we show you different methods of sending bulk messages from Excel.  

Using Privyr’s Bulk Sender Tool 

Privyr’s bulk sender tool is a safe and reliable way to send bulk messages on WhatsApp. The tool allows you to paste your CSV file and load your contacts from Excel to quickly send them auto-personalised WhatsApp messages. Also, the tool ensures you can send bulk messages to multiple recipients without breaking WhatsApp’s Terms of Use. The best part about this tool is that it’s free and easy to use.

Here’s a step-by-step process to send bulk WhatsApp messages from Excel with Privyr’s Bulk Sender Tool:

  • Step 1. Go to your Excel file and arrange your customer data in a different column. The column must contain recipient’s names and numbers, separated with a comma.
  • Step 3. Write your message in the message template box. While composing your message, remember to use the @name token in your message. It’s a placeholder that will be automatically replaced with your contact’s actual name when you send the message. This feature helps you personalise each message without manual typing. 
  • Step 4. Click the paste contacts button or Scroll down and Click on “Bulk Edit Contacts”. Then paste your client list from your excel sheet to the window that pops up and click populate contacts.
  • Step 5. once all your contacts are populated, click on the “SEND” button for each recipient. Each click will automatically open your WhatsApp chat with that specific person. You only need to click send on WhatsApp to confirm the sending. 

Here’s an article explaining everything you need to know about Privyr’s WhatsApp Bulk Sender Tool

Using a programming language like Python

If you know how to use Python, you can use it to send bulk WhatsApp messages to the entire list of customers you have in an Excel file. A Python tool called Pywhatkit lets you do this with just a few lines of code. To get started, you’ll need to install Pywhatkit using a command called ‘pip’ and make sure you’re logged into WhatsApp Web on your main web browser. Here’s a step-by-step process. 

  • Step 1. Download and install Python.
  • Step 2. Install the Pywhatkit library: Open your command prompt and run pip install Pywhatkit.
  • Step 3. Import Excel Data: Use Python libraries like pandas to read the Excel file.
  • Step 4. Send WhatsApp Messages.

Please note that you’ll need to write a few lines of code in between steps while sending bulk WhatsApp messages from Excel. Here’s a tutorial to import Excel data on Python using Pandas. Also, if you are not familiar with Python, there is a learning curve.  

Using a third-party tool 

Many third-party services offer bulk messaging on WhatsApp, often with Excel or CSV import features. However, it’s not recommended to use such tools due to WhatsApp policies and privacy concerns.

WhatsApp’s Terms of Service is against the use of unauthorised automations, such as one-click send-to-all bulk senders. This would usually result in your account getting banned.

Furthermore, some of these tools require full control over your account, so there is also a questionable privacy concern. Be wary of any bulk sender that requires you to scan your WhatsApp QR code as this will allow them to hijack your account and fully access your data.

Things to consider when sending bulk messages

Here are important considerations to ensure that your bulk message campaign is effective and also compliant with the rules:

Technical considerations:

  • Rate limits: WhatsApp imposes a limit on how many messages you can send in a specific time frame. Understand these limits to avoid risk of getting blocked.
  • Optimal timing: If your customers are located in various time zones around the world, think about the best time to message them. Bad timing can lead to poor engagement rates.
  • Delivery and read receipts: Keep an eye on these indicators to assess the effectiveness of your message delivery.

Legal and policies:

  • Consent: According to WhatsApp’s Terms of Service, you should only send messages to individuals who have explicitly given their consent to receive messages from you. Sending unsolicited messages can lead to being flagged as spam which can later result in legal issues or account suspension.
  • Privacy: Ensure that you are compliant with data protection and privacy laws, such as GDPR. It’s best if your messaging includes a way for recipients to opt-out.
  • Transparency: Clearly identify yourself or your business and the purpose of the message in the beginning to build trust.


  • Clarity and conciseness: Write messages that are easy to read. Simple and straightforward messages are usually received better by people. Here’s how to message your new leads so they reply to you.
  • Engagement: Use a call-to-action to get your recipients to take the next step. It can be clicking on a link, making a purchase, or simply replying to your message.
  • Multimedia: Use images, audio, or video sparingly but only when they add value to your message. Also, keep in mind that multimedia elements are optimised for mobile viewing.
  • Language and tone: Be mindful of the language and tone you use. Your message should be respectful, culturally sensitive, and appropriate for your target audience.
  • Testing: Before sending your message out to your entire list, test the message on a smaller group to gather feedback and make adjustments.


  • Engagement Metrics: Monitor how many people opened your message, clicked on links, or took any action. Use these metrics for ongoing strategy adjustments to improve your engagement rates.
  • Feedback: Listen to feedback and complaints from recipients and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Iterate: Use the information and analytics from each campaign to refine your messaging and tactics for future campaigns.

Help your team send bulk messages on WhatsApp

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Bulk messaging alternatives


Customise the message template below, enter the phone number you want to message, then click the Send on WhatsApp to continue to chat.



Excel is a great system to store and keep track of your business information. However, if you just rely on the platform alone, you’ll end up spending a lot of time and effort running your sales process because the system relies on manual processes. Excel can help you achieve even more when you pair it with another tool like Privyr’s free bulk sender to streamline your messaging efforts.

Although you can’t directly export your client data from Excel spreadsheet to WhatsApp, there are many tools that can help you do it. Try Privyr’s free bulk sender here. It’s completely free and safe – no signup required. 

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A writer from the heart and marketer from the mind, Michael writes to help businesses implement effective sales and marketing strategies.