Did you know that WhatsApp has pretty strict rules against automated bulk-sending? Read this so you don’t get banned accidentally!
Have you been using WhatsApp for business communications? If so, you’ve probably come across situations where you need to send a single message to multiple customers. Whether you’re announcing a…
Responding to customer’s queries instantly is crucial in business communications, especially if your industry is highly competitive and reliant on personalised interactions. Customers appreciate fast replies and tend to buy…
WhatsApp is an amazing tool for business communications. It’s super user-friendly – plus, messages sent on this platform also usually have a better open rate than messages sent via other…
Are you looking to capture leads through search engine advertising? You may want to know about Google’s lead capture platform. Google provides a great way to capture leads on their…
Being able to schedule messages on WhatsApp can be really helpful if you’re looking to send a message at a specific time in the future. You might want to wish…
In your day-to-day work as a salesperson, you probably send a lot of messages and content to your clients over WhatsApp. For example, if you’re a property agent, you’re probably…
Still scrolling through your photo gallery and copy-pasting scripts to share product or service details with a lead? Here’s a faster, easier, more professional way to send and track content with leads.
Want to change your WhatsApp to a business account? Here’s a simple guide to convert your account without losing existing chats and data.