It’s tough to follow up consistently with new leads who keep ignoring you – even though they were the ones who initially approached you through your online ad or website.
However, don’t let their “ghosting” be your biggest sales killer!
It takes at least eight touchpoints to convert or book a meeting with a new lead, but most insurance agents stop at two or three touchpoints.
If you want more insurance sales, you’ll need a consistent follow-up plan to nurture every new lead that enters your pipeline. And luckily, you can just copy ours.Our 5-step follow-up sequence covers how to reach out to new leads and how to follow up with them, even if they don’t reply. Complete with 5 scripts you can save and auto-personalise.
5-step follow-up sequence to convert new leads in insurance
💡Pro-tip: Click the “Personalise This Template” button to save each follow-up script directly to your Privyr account.
On the mobile app, you can auto-personalise and send them within seconds to your clients via WhatsApp, iMessage, SMS, and more. Scripts are numbered so you know how to send them in sequence.
Don’t have a Privyr account yet? Create one for free here.
Step #1: Start with a quick introduction
Ideally, you should message your lead within 15 minutes of them expressing interest in your insurance services.
This will instantly maximise your chances of getting a reply from the lead.
"Hi Ben, thanks for your interest in ACME 360+ Life Insurance. I’m Allan, your ACME representative. 👋
Just one quick question before I send you our brochure. *Do you currently have life insurance?*"

We always recommend short introduction messages, because new leads are more likely to respond to you if it’s easy to do so.
Need more ideas for your first message? We’ve compiled 20 WhatsApp introduction message templates here.
Step #2: Follow-up on their interest
Send this follow-up one or two days after your initial message.
This could help regain the attention of those leads who stopped responding after you sent them your introduction message or your brochure.
"Hi Ben, hope you’re doing well! ☀️ Did you have time to see my last message?
Whether you’re currently insured or not, our Life 360+ Insurance Plan gives you 3 KEY benefits:
✅ Wider coverage than most insurance plans on the market
✅ Affordable plans from only *$0.09 / day*
✅ Award-winning claims process
I’m happy to jump on a quick call if you have any questions."

Step #3: See if they are up for a quick phone call again
Send them this message three to five days after your previous follow-up.
Maybe you or your lead prefers to discuss insurance matters over the phone. Here’s a script to schedule a time for that call!
"Hi Ben! Life insurance has so many layers that it can be overwhelming sometimes. 😅
But I’m always here to answer any questions you may have about insurance in general, and suggest the right coverage for you.
If you want, I could give you a quick call in 5 minutes to understand you and your lifestyle better? Or let me know a time you prefer."

Step #4: Gather more insights on their insurance situation
If the lead is still not being very responsive, send this follow-up three to five days after your last message.
The goal is for you to gain more insights into their current insurance situation, so you can send more personalised content in interactions that follow.
"Hi Ben, it’s Allan here again! Just checking in again to see if you’re still interested in getting insured with ACME 360+ Life Insurance.
Let me know what you think – just send me the number that best applies to you 👇
1️⃣ I’m interested, but I need more info before deciding.
2️⃣ I’m interested, but ask me again in a week as I’m busy.
3️⃣ I’m interested, but I’m exploring other options first.
4️⃣ Not interested. I already found the best life insurance.
I’ll do my best to assist you. 🙂"

Remember that you have to make it extremely easy for them to answer your question, especially because they’re already not very responsive.
Step #5: Continue to send them relevant offers
Dealing with leads who don’t engage with you despite multiple follow-up attempts? Send this message three to four weeks later, or every time you have a relevant offer they may be interested in.
Insurance can be a complex and somewhat high-commitment purchase. It helps to have a long-term follow-up plan to convert leads who may not be ready to buy in the next few weeks, but maybe they will be in a few months.
Here’s a script you can use (and repurpose!) for long-term follow-ups.
"Hi Ben, hope you’ve been doing well!
I thought you might find this interesting since you were looking into ACME 360+ Life Insurance before.
We recently launched a new term life insurance plan – ACME Guard. It offers even more affordable policies + comprehensive coverage.
May I send you more info?
- Allan"

Want more ideas? Here are 20 WhatsApp follow-up messages (including ideas from other industries).
Do give our 5-step follow-up a plan a try! Keep pushing forward and expand your follow-ups beyond the first or second outreach – this is where most other insurance agents are giving up and losing prospects!
By being consistent, persistent, and proactive, you’re in the best position to win the sale.
With the Privyr app, it’s easy to save and customise a follow-up sequence like the one we just shared. Stay on top of your follow-ups with automatic reminders and sales scripts for every touchpoint – auto-personalised for your clients on WhatsApp, iMessage, and more in just one click.