What's new in Privyr? Home tab in the Privyr app!

To help you manage and engage your leads more easily, we’re happy to introduce the Privyr app Home Tab!

With this little makeover πŸͺ„βœ¨, the Privyr app’s new home screen gives you a quick overview of your outstanding leads, follow-ups, and upcoming activities in one glance, including:

  • πŸ“Š Performance, such as the number of leads received and contacted, as well as your average response time over the past 24 hours or 7 days
  • ❗ High-priority leads, including uncontacted leads, unclaimed leads, or leads who have viewed your content recently
  • πŸ“² Follow-ups due today
  • πŸ‘€ Upcoming activities like calls or meetings
  • πŸ™Œ And more!
Tap on your Home tab in the Privyr app to see outstanding leads, follow-ups, and activities.
The Home tab will be located on the bottom of your Privyr app screen, on the left next to the Client tab.

It’s easy to stay organised and have a productive day when you can see all of the important information as well as the actions that you have to take! πŸŽ‰ Simply tap on the task or category to view what you need to do. From there, you can complete your outreach, follow-ups, and more all via the Privyr app.

How to set Home tab as the default screen in Privyr ✨

You have the option to make the Home tab the first thing you see when you open the Privyr app. This way, you always know the most urgent tasks you need to complete, as fast as possible.

All you need to do is go to Account tab > Settings > Personalisation. Scroll down to the Default Home Screen category and select Home.

You can also use the link below to get there a little faster. Just remember – this feature is now available in the latest version of the Privyr app (v2.17.0), so make sure you update your Privyr app so you can use it!

We hope this helps you better manage and convert more leads and clients!

Have questions or feedback? Just email us atΒ support@privyr.com and we’ll be happy to assist. You may even help us create a better Privyr! πŸ’Œ

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Kylee became a writer out of unbridled curiosity for the world. Forever fascinated with the exchange between people and technology, she will talk your ear off about science and science fiction.